Yesterday, word came that a 26-year-old named Florian Gruber set a production car "record" at the the Nürburgring in a Gumpert Apollo Sport, hustling his way round in an impressive 7:11:57. Today comes the video of said run.
Having just watched the footage, a few things jump to mind. The first being "Yay!" for Gumpert and their Rat Fink-style shifter, rather than, say, a set of (yawn) flapper paddles. The second is: my word, does the Nürburgring look fantastic. Third, right around Metzgesfeld (around 2:30 or so), Gruber starts to leave a tenth of a second here and a tenth of a second there on the tarmac. You can finally hear some squeal from the tires and the veal-fat smoothness he displayed early on gets a bit herky-jerky. Could we have done any better? Absolutely, 100%, no way, no how. What a run.
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